Where can I find a device file for TRWinProg?

Device Programming With TRWinProg


Last Update 6 ay önce

If TRWinprog says it requires a “.tr device file” or to “contact TR Electronic” it may be possible to find the device file on our website.

1. Navigate to the “Software download” page on our website - Download here.

2. Find the software TRWinProg and locate the link below it, labeled “Program files” as seen below.

3. Once you click the link, a zip file will begin to download to the “Downloads” folder on your computer.

4. Open the folder location in File Explorer and Right-click the folder, then select “Extract All”


5. Once extracted, go to the folder “TR-Electronic” and copy all or just the specific file that you require.

6. Paste the file(s) into the “Devices” folder which is created during the TRWinprog installation. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\TRWinProg\Devices.

7. Open TRWinprog. If a previous instance of the software is running you will need to close and re-open it.

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