How Can I Convert Linear Positions(RPM) in millimeters with a Rotary Encoder?

Encoder Position from RPM to mm/sec.


Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

Follow the Given Steps Step by Step:

1. Determine Total Steps:

Begin by calculating the total number of steps (raw positional data) from the start to the end position. Assume it's 35,000 counts.

2. Distance Calculation:

Suppose the distance covered in 35,000 counts is 500mm.

3. Programming Units:

Assuming the unit is programmed for 8,192 steps/revolution, calculate the revolutions by dividing the total counts (35,000) by the steps/rev (8,192), resulting in approximately 4.27 revolutions.

4. Encoder Programming Guide:

Click here to learn how to program your encoder.

5. Resolution Adjustment:

To achieve 1/10mm resolution, divide 500mm by 4.27 revs, resulting in 117.03mm per revolution.

6. Steps Calculation:

Calculate steps per revolution by multiplying the 1/10mm resolution (1170.29 steps/mm) by 4096 revs, giving a rounded total of approximately 4,793,490 steps.

7. Encoder Data Precision:

The received raw encoder data is now in 1/10 millimeters, with the numerator at 4096 and the denominator at 1.

* This is an illustrative example, and actual calculations will depend on the specific encoder counts from start to end.

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